Chiropractic Services

My Approach

As a Doctor of chiropractic it is my service to observe, assess and treat various musculoskeletal conditions. Through this lens I am able to understand the root causes of pain, immobility and improper movement mechanics. It is through my treatment approach that I facilitate individuals on their healing journey by offering assistance and guidance so they can connect more deeply to themselves. I use a variety of modalities in order to create and execute plans of care that are specific to each individual person.

Body-awareness is a significant piece of anyone’s recovery. Frequently individuals present with pain and dysfunction that is due to the repetitive stress of every day movements. In order to generate effective and sustainable improvement, it is vital that individuals start to sense their body and movement patterns so that they can actively improve their function. I assist in this process through various means listed below.


Breath work

So much of our movement begins with the functionality of our core. For majority of individuals I will asses the dynamic ability of the breath along with ribcage mechanics to determine movement capacity, strength and stability.

Strength And

I am a huge advocate of movement as therapy. Strength training, mobility work and rehab are all important to not only recovery but maintenance of pain free movement and optimal function. This method allows me to facilitate improvement in individual symptoms as well at the maintain healing, resilience and movement capacity.

Functional Movement Assessment

Using a movement systems approach, I employ various tools to not only get you out of pain as quickly as possible, but a training program to prevent injuries and discomfort from returning. By observing how patients move I am able to more clearly determine the origins of pain and dysfunction. Assessments include, but are not limited to active and passive ranges of motion, orthopedic testing, and basic movement observation in order to fully understand the root cause of dysfunction and what needs to be addressed.


In order to promote strength and mobility, sometimes the use of hands on bodywork is an important piece of recovery. Manual release is applied to muscles in order to help structures relax, improve ranges of motion, facilitate appropriate activation, reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.

Joint Mobilization

When there is a true restriction of a joint, meaning when there is immobility, lack of range of motion or even pain in a joint with movement, introducing passive movement can be therapeutic. Joint mobilization involves placing a slight force on a joint to induce movement. Mobilization or ‘adjusting’ is a part of my practice, though it is important to engage in therapeutic movement in order to maintain this mobility.

Book a Consultation

If you feel called to diving deeper into your healing journey and feel a connection with my specific approach, click the link below to set up your initial phone consultation.